Thursday, June 13, 2013

Inspirational Bible Quotes

For example, the story of Job's trials. In one stroke, Job's health was compromised, his wealth was taken from his, and worst of all his children were killed. Job underwent great pain and sorrow. But what he didn't realize at the time was that he was being setup to become the centerpiece of God's greater plans; Job held on to God as he went through his suffering. If you continue reading Job's story in the Bible, you'll find out that Job was the central character in a spiritual wager between Satan and God. In other words, Job's experiences was instrumental to fulfill God's plans.

Inspirational Bible Quotes

Inspirational Bible Quotes

Inspirational Bible Quotes

Inspirational Bible Quotes

Inspirational Bible Quotes

Inspirational Bible Quotes

Inspirational Bible Quotes

Inspirational Bible Quotes

Inspirational Bible Quotes

Inspirational Bible Quotes

Inspirational Bible Quotes

Inspirational Bible Quotes

Everyone has problems. I don't think I've ever met another human being without a problem in his or her life. Problems and complications--heartaches, headaches--are a part of life and the sign of a strong person is someone who knows how to deal with his or her problems and advise others on theirs.


  1. Great Resource and great site/engine.


  2. Thank you. Straight from the Word of God!

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